21 July 2008

MISSIN' the Past

21 July 2008
I was back from campus as usual.. changing my cloth, tidy up my room and prepare for my lunch, switch on my laptop. What else? Maggi mee... No choice, fast and delicious. however, I get fed up of the taste. kind of numb with the taste. blu blu blu...None of my housemate was back from class, as usual i locked myself up in my lovely room. While surfing the net, I listen to the music on my tracklist... my mind start to rooming around when i heard.......

The songs: for the first time , one of favourite songs during secondary school.
The songs has actually recall my memory during secondary school. Then my mind start filliing around with my lovely friends faces: Miss u guys so much.. some are still in contact, while some like stim evaporate to the atmosphere. May khee, the one who never meet since the last day in anugerah cemerlang, juz keep in touch through phone.Owe her one expensive roti canai! hehe.. next, ping, fa, pui and ying.. Shopping gang and crapping gang! V crap lots while together.. Since when v last meet? I guess.. last gathering was in uma rani with ping and fa. Ice-skating!! Promise ping to accompany her to skate since .. when? form 5! until now havent made up. hehe..next, jing yi and mei ying.. my crazy gang that make impossible things possible. haha.. b.siang and yen hooi, always meet up at secret recipe for lunch!! haha.. I think v should try out others next time. Garnet, the one I never meet her long long time too.. and always be the most busy..How are she now? Long hair? short hair? Coming Sem break should find her one day.

Music player shuffle to the next song:pretty boy.

Ohh.. this song has a funny but memorable stories behind it. Whenever I listen to this, i ll remember my work life during the 3 month holiday after SPM. There, I have learn and experiences a lot. I earn the knowledge where school didnt teach me. There, I turn from a little girl that know nth much abt the world to a more mature thinking girl that come across what the society is. i miss my colleague there: sandy, the one always take care of me when I mess up the task. Wen, the one who give me a opportunity to stay out of office and follow her to go around. Yeo, the one who like to joke with me.. Yen, the manager, always with the serious faces and I respect much, of cuz scared the most. Many many more.... All the sad and happy memory mixing around there.

hiss... knocked my head!! what happen to my mind? seem like old ladies flashing back their past.. who should be blame? the songs? my nonsence mind? whatever... but how nice to indulge in..

True friends is made heart to heart,
distance make us far apart,
but our distance in heart never far apart.
The furthest distance in the world is..
two people living in the same daily routine together, but both cant sense ones soul`s temperature.
So even though the one who close to you in distance may be far apart from ur heart; while the one who far from u in distance may be close to u in heart.

13 July 2008

What is ur Colour? (cont..)

13 July 2008
你的可愛十分惹人喜愛!對愛情你很揀擇但又常常在戀愛, 也喜歡被愛的感覺。你有著清新的氣質和開朗的個性, 但有些時侯也會變得'多愁善感'。 和別人相處的時侯你表現得很友善和溫柔,所以很多人願意和你親近。你喜歡跟友善和隨和的人做朋友。

你最注重自己的外表。對選擇愛侶的要求甚高。你! 每每擁有清晰的頭腦去思考和解決難題,又不易犯錯。你喜歡在人群中被重視,也因此令你容易認識到新朋友。








你是一個神祕的人,從不自私,也很難對任何人和事發生興趣。你的狀態永遠是說不定的,是一個情緒化的人。很受周遭的人歡迎,但有是你會做出愚笨的舉動,記性也不太好。你最喜歡與一些有著真性情的人做朋友。 ( That's my colour!)



*深藍色* 你是一個很吸引人的發光體,也很愛惜自己的生命。你對身邊所有事物都帶著強烈的感覺。你是一個容易'意亂情迷'的人。如果有人把你激怒了,你很難會原諒他。

*水藍色* 你的感覺來去如風。你的生活也帶點孤單,很愛旅遊。你對待別人很真誠,但太容易受別人的影響。對你來說,尋找愛情是一件很難的事,也容易在愛中迷失,令你很容易便被愛情所傷。

What is ur Colour?

12月23日~ 01月01日=紅色
01月02日- 01月11日=橙色
01月12日- 01月24日=黃色
01月25日- 02月03日=粉紅色
02月04日- 02月08日=藍色
02月09日- 02月18日=綠色
02月19日- 02月28日=啡色
02月29日- 03月10日=水藍色
03月11日- 03月20日=石灰色
03月21日 =黑色
03月22日- 03月31日=紫色
04月01日- 04月10日=深藍色
04月11日- 04月20日=銀色
04月21日- 04月30日=白色
05月01日- 05月14日=藍色
05月15日- 05月24日=金色
05月25日- 06月03日=奶油色
06月04日- 06月13日=灰色
06月14日- 06月23日=栗色
06月24日 =灰色
06月25日- 07月04日=紅色
07月05日- 07月14日=橙色
07月15日- 07月25日=黃色
07月26日- 08月04日=粉紅色
08月05日- 08月13日=藍色
08月14日- 08月23日=綠色
08月24日- 09月02日=啡色
09月03日- 09月12日=水藍色
09月13日- 09月22日=石灰色
09月23日 =黃綠色
09月24日- 10月03日=紫色
10月04日- 10月13日=深藍色
10月14日- 10月23日=銀色
10月24日- 11月11日=白色
11月12日- 11月21日=金色
11月22日- 12月01日=奶油色
12月02日- 12月11日=灰色
12月12日- 12月21日=栗色
12月22日 =黃綠色
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